Your compounds, your way with Lab Services

Outsource the important but time-consuming sample preparation task to us and let your researchers focus on the science. With our precise and cost-effective lab services you get the right samples, clearly marked and documented – ready for immediate use in your robotic system or any manual workflow.

Our Laboratory Services

We offer a faster and more flexible customised service than many larger labs – including reformatting, relabelling and quality control tests.

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Molport laboratory services

No more mixed vials from multiple suppliers

Avoid receiving vials of different sizes, types and labels when ordering from multiple suppliers. We collect your ordered compounds at our facility and reformat them according to your required format and quantity. Then transfer the samples into your pre-weighed vials or a range of other formats from Molport.

The right re-weighing option for your sample size

We offer two re-weighing options with the balance recommendations shown below.

  1. Analytical balances for regular orders with no specific laboratory requirements.
  2. Microbalances for orders requiring higher accuracy or when the re-weighed/reformatted quantity is < 2 mg.
Type of Balance

Analytical Balance



0.01 mg

0.001 mg

Standard Deviation

0.05 mg

0.005 mg

Minimum Weight* 95%

2 mg

0.2 mg

Minimum Weight* 90%

1 mg

0.1 mg

*Reweighing: for quantities < 10 mg, sample lost is 2 mg. Otherwise it is 5-10% of the total quantity of the target amount that needs to be reweighed.


Everything repackaged in your own vials or standard labware

You can choose from standard labware or ship your own vials to Molport, and we will use them for re-weighing or reformatting; or we can request that suppliers do this for you.

Specific Microplates on request.

Individual caps for each tube, or single seal. CapMats for the whole tube-rack are included.

You can also request the sealing type, specify layout requirements (as empty rows), and detail other individual needs.

The right concentration and format – from the start

After samples are weighed, they can optionally be dissolved when you need them in a fixed concentration solution in DMSO (or another solvent). The samples are dissolved to the required concentration and transferred to the specified format in the required volume. The dissolved samples can be transferred to 96- or 384- format tube-racks and plates. Molport uses various dispensing tools with a volume range of 1 µL – 1000 µL for liquid transfers to plates and tube-racks.

Speed up receipt and registration with custom labels

We can replace incomplete or inconsistent labels with our high-quality, durable and informative barcoded labels. These can contain information that you specify, including registration data (e.g. CAS Registry Number, barcode) and identification information (e.g. compound name, catalogue number, and other data).

Let us check quality - without delaying delivery

When it is important to know that you are getting what you order, request Independent QC with your order. We will run the tests for you while your shipment is in transit and send you the analysis alongside your compounds or shortly after (ca. 1-5 extra business days). You can specify the following analytical techniques for your ordered samples: 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry(LCMS), or others – upon request. Remember that you will need to order additional material above the base amount if you require QC: 10 mg for NMR, 2 mg for LCMS, and 12 mg for NMR + LCMS.

Store your labware for time-saving sample prep

By sending your own labware to Molport for secure storage, you can make sure it’s immediately available for reweighing, reformatting, and/or dissolution as soon as samples are received. We can also order any required plates, tube-racks, or vials according to your wishes. We also keep Matrix tube-racks in stock. When Fast Delivery is required we can offer in-stock plates and bottles instead, or match with something similar.

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Stock a library

Find out more about our expert service to manage custom library projects from procurement to fulfilment.

Stock a Library​

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