All Database Suppliers by Country

There are hundreds of chemical suppliers in our chemical supplier directory. We are constantly upgrading and regenerating our chemical supplier database. If you are a chemical supplier and would like to be listed in our directory then please, follow these instructions or contact us using provided form or directly via e-mail.

No. Supplier information
1. BioTechne Ireland Limited , Ireland
For over a quarter of a century Tocris Bioscience has been established as a leading supplier of innovative high performance life science research reagents. Our range of over 4,000 products consists of small molecules and peptides, including GPCR ligands, neurotransmitters, ion channel modulators, signaling inhibitors and much more. With our industry-leading quality, next day delivery and first-class technical support, Tocris is the first place to look for all your research needs. More...
2. Fluorochem Ireland , Ireland
Information for this supplier is not available.

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