All Database Suppliers by Country

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No. Supplier information
1. ChiralVision BV , Netherlands
ChiralVision offers a solid foundation and a record of delivering quality services for active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), registered intermediates and complex chiral compounds for both branded pharmaceutical and generic markets. ChiralVision is the specialist in route development comprising enzymatic conversions and resolution and has an extensive experience in process development and scale-up of enzymatically prepared chiral compounds. We can develop new and proprietary routes to existing compounds, or take an existing synthesis and develop a scalable process, all with smart use of biocatalysis. By using commercially available (bulk) enzymes, enzyme costs per kilogram of end product can be kept to an absolute minimum. The target for enantiomeric excess is always >99%. More...
2. SACHEM, Inc. , Netherlands
SACHEM has become a world leader in key markets such as electronics, biotechnology, starch modification, polymers, catalysts, pharmaceutical and agricultural chemicals. We have achieved this by delivering highly pure, precise and innovative chemical solutions designed to solve our customer's most demanding applications. SACHEM is recognized for innovation, technical expertise, revolutionary service and an unwavering commitment to safety and the environment. To provide seamless service, responsiveness and support, SACHEM is organized around regional business units for the Americas, Europe and Asia. SACHEM’s expanding manufacturing operations includes facilities in North America, Europe and Asia and a global service network spanning over 30 countries. Our organization enables worldwide delivery of innovative and customized chemical solutions backed by superior customer service. More...
3. Specs , Netherlands
Specs offers a diverse and unique set of more than 6,000 heterocyclic Building Blocks. Specs offers a diverse and unique set of about 400 isolated or synthesized natural products and derivatives thereof from natural sources like plants, fungi, bacteria, sea organisms, etc. These compounds range from common to very complex and rare natural products. More...
4. Symeres Netherlands B.V. , Netherlands
Chiralix is a specialist in chiral organic synthesis. We offer a unique range of chiral drug-like building blocks on research-scale, aimed at research laboratories in pharmaceutical companies and all others involved in the Life Sciences industry. The integration of our capabilities in the areas of advanced organic synthesis, transition metal catalysis and biocatalysis, enables us to develop flexible and efficient synthetic routes to diversely substituted chiral molecules, such as specialty amino acids, azido acids, amino alcohols and peptide building blocks. More...

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