All Database Suppliers by Region

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# Supplier
1. Hoffman Fine Chemicals , Australia
Hoffman Fine Chemicals (‘HFC’) is a fine chemicals manufacturer with an international presence. We create chemistry to make life easier by combining economic success with efficient systems to contribute to the success of our customers. Our Catalog spans thousands of compounds including: • Building Blocks &Reagents; • Fluorinated Building Blocks; • Heterocyclic Building Blocks; • Ionic Liquids; • Organic & Printed Electronics; • Organoborons & Derivatives HFC serves as a one-stop-shop for all your Fine Chemical requirements, and hence, in addition to its thousands of Catalog Compounds, HFC provides Custom Synthesis, Process Development and Scale-Up services as well. Adhering to stringent quality control systems means that our customers are guaranteed to have their requirements met every time. Our business is built on transparency, accountability and trust. As a relationship-driven group, we are deeply committed to building and sustaining long-term partnerships grounded in these values. The reputations of our business and team members are critical and our commitment to a culture of integrity is reflected in our behaviour - it is the way we do business. More...

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