Supplier Account Manager


Many high-class scientists require assistance along product selection and quote preparation process to complete their purchase journey smoothly on Molport chemical compound marketplace. We excel at providing special care to our customers and want to expand our team with a Supplier Account Manager in Riga!

The role:

Requested from you:

We commit to you:

About the Company:

Molport is rapidly growing global retail company developing and running an easy-to-use marketplace for cost-efficient and centralized ordering of rare chemical compounds. Our clientele includes 9 out of 10 top universities, major research institutes, and top pharmaceutical and biotech companies. We support chemistry-related research in over 50+ countries.

Seems like the right job for you?

Apply now! Send us your application to! Use a subject line "Application for SAM!". Attach your customized CV and motivation letter (up to 300 words) in English explaining your fit for this position.

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