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Searching for suppliers for a few compounds at a time by name or structure is simple enough, even when additional criteria like amount required or purity are important. But what if you need to find suppliers for hundreds or even thousands of compounds – maybe to complete a targetted library for an urgent structure-activity relationship study, or to obtain a structurally diverse set of compounds to run against a new antiviral screen? And as well…

On April 27th MolPort and ChemAxon held a joint webinar, aimed at helping scientists master the MolPort chemical structure search interface. ChemAxon’s Marvin JS is a state of the art chemical structure editor that is integrated into MolPort’s web interface to query the commercially available compound space. In the course of this webinar, you will be walked through the basic structure search editor interface on www.molport.com, will pick up productivity tips and advanced structure query…

We Part with the Marvin Sketch Applet Editor We removed the Java Applet structure editor from our website. Browsers have poorly supported Applets in corporate environments; they were slow to load and the IT industry, as a whole, has moved on to JavaSript and HTML5 technologies for a number of reasons. The newer and quicker ChemAxon’s Marvin JS editor has been available on our website for some time already and our users overwhelmingly favored it over the…