


MolPort provides a number of ways to access data on commercially available compounds and their catalog data: the MolPort web portal, a downloadable database, web services (API). With web services you can instantly check the latest stock level information for MolPort compounds from your software application, Microsoft Excel, Optibrium StarDrop, PipelinePilot or KNIME. Starting today, MolPort KNIME Nodes are available from the traditional KNIME install/update website. This will not only make the knime download process much easier, but will also keep them up-to-date automatically. Just…

You have used our commercially available compound database to look up chemical suppliers for your research project. Many of you have trusted Molport with your chemical sourcing tasks. While you were simply using Molport to get the products you need, your visits to our website helped us to test, improve performance, and demonstrate to investors that scientists find our database useful. Your support has far exceeded our expectations! Thousands of people visit every day. Every…